Merry Xmas to all of my readers

Well it is that time of year again and Christmas is here, sadly this year it also brought the snow and all the lakes around me are frozen solid.But don’t let that stop you from getting out and enjoying the unique fishing that this season offers.

I am having fun on the rivers, the above pic shows me on the Thames near Weighbridge lure fishing. No fish this time but it was just good to get out and wet a line. By the way this section of river has been fishing very poorly recently it seems ( from speaking to the people on the bank) and probably is not enjoying the extra pressure from the lake anglers who now have no where to go 🙂

Anyway I hope that you all have a superb Xmas, dont eat too much and get out on boxing day for the traditional session !

A couple of tips if you do venture out  :
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Beating the ice at the Bosbaan in Amsterdam

If it looks cold - it was !

Well it is a very glad Quentyn who is back from the Bosbaan leaving 1/2 way through a 2 day session. Normally I would be annoyed about leaving half way through planned session but after the 1st night i though I would quit whilst the going was good.

Here is a tip for you, if you are packing to go fishing and you shake your cooking gas bottle and think “hmm I wonder if there is enough in there for 2 days” there is not. The meerest action of checking ensures that there is not. Now in the summer you can get away with no hot water, in the winter it could be deadly. Well you have guessed it, during the 1st night I went to make a cup of tea and found that in the cold my gas bottle was almost empty with not really even enough grunt to warm 1 kettle of water.  Lesson to be learned I feel and my thanks to Mick to popped along in the morning with a hot flask of tea which was very welcome.
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Winter Wonderland

Some of you might be wondering why a lot of the posts recently have not been about fishing but have been about rigs and reviews, well for the last month most of the waters I would like to fish have been completely frozen. The pic above shows one of the lakes around here and as you can see it is absolutely solid. If it doesn’t start to thaw out soon I will have to start ice fishing. I am getting cabin fever it has been so long since I wet a line. Still there is light at the end of the tunnel I have taken a day off of to go fishing with Fishing Amsterdam next week. Here is hoping that the canal is defrosted enough to get the boat out !

Anyway until then there will be limited numbers of catch reports as there is 3″ of ice between me and the carp and pike.