New Personal Best

Just back from a superb trip to France arranged by Ron from the fishing ship in Uithorne, tired but very happy would be by comment. Went with some of the best, funniest people I have ever met. They really tried to make me feel welcome and a great time was had by all. Final tally for me was 21 carp, 2 bream and a pike and many roach and rudd ( err yes 🙂 )

Any way crowning achievement for my was a new PB of 39lb’s ( UK lbs in case anyone thinks I have gone native with Dutch pounds) which was sadly taken at night ( as were 99% of all of my fish) so you can’t really see the full glory of the shots. Fish was taken on the ever reliable CCmoore Meteor tipped with a strawberry hell raiser dumbbell popup. I will post a full blog article later but for now here is the pic


Big for the banana

Just back from the bosbaan, again fishing the banana as the main lake is closed due to the rowing, power boating etc etc

Any way CCMoore Meteor did the business again.. honestly it is the best and most consistent bait I have ever used. Fishing over a bed of Meteor pellet and 10mm boillies with 20 mm boillies on the hook to deter the bream. The crowning glory was this 24 lb almost fully scaled mirror as well as 6 others.

IMG_1082I am exhausted but happy


Well finally some successes on the Bosbaan, despite the fact that the lines are out ( and out till mid Aug) , I fished “the banana” a small canal / inlet that connects the Bosbaan to the niewermeer. As suspected the action came at night once the crowds had gone and I managed to get 2 carp out. The 1st was the biggest at an estimated weight of 18-19lbs ( I was using my stalking / small water kit and I don’t have a set of scales int here yet) and the other, a common, was estimated to be 11lbs.  Also forgot to take another bank stick or a sack so all the pics are just on the mat ( and yes I could have cleaned up the weed etc but I didn’t)


Anyway might try for perch tomorrow evening as my darling wife is out at her course.